Saturday, February 18th, 2023
Special Edition: Should Kids Play Tackle Football?
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Americans love football. Last weekend’s Super Bowl was the third-most-watched television event of all time. But despite its popularity, statistics show youth participation in tackle football has trended down in recent years. Some parents don’t want to let their kids play because of safety concerns but America is divided on this issue. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics is still debating what the recommendations should be for youth football.
Today, we’ll hear from one of the people working to craft those guidelines. Dr. Andy Peterson is the team physician for the Iowa Hawkeyes football team and his research focuses on youth sports and the validation of sideline concussion tests. He shares his reasons for allowing kids to play tackle football. But first, we’re talking about specific data that suggests why some communities are more supportive than others of kids playing tackle football. Mariah Warner is a PhD candidate at The Ohio State University and she’s the lead author of a first-of-its-kind study.
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Guest: Mariah Warner
Mariah Warner is a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology at The Ohio State University. Her research spans culture, politics, and sports, and her most recent work "When Kids Hitting Each Other is Okay: Examining U.S. Adult Support for Youth Tackle Football" investigates how social structures, identities, and values shape support or dissent for kids playing America's most popular sport.
Guest: Andrew R. Peterson MD, MSPH
Dr. Andrew Peterson is a clinical professor of Pediatrics and Orthopedics at the University of Iowa. He works clinically as a Sports Medicine Physician and conducts clinical research on the epidemiology of youth sports and the validation of sideline concussion tests. He is the head team physician for Iowa Hawkeye Athletics, director of the University of Iowa Sport Concussion Program, and team physician for USA Wrestling.
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