Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Battle for Military Votes, New Energy Source for Tech & Player Switched Teams Mid-Game

All the news you need in about 10 min:

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Story Links

All the news stories mentioned in today's episode are listed with links below, so you can spend as much -- or as little -- time as you want to review the latest happenings... 

Trump Addresses Military Event: AP, NY Times, WaPo, Bloomberg

Republicans Endorse Harris: ABC News, USA Today, CBS News, The Hill

Dispute Over Presidential Debate Rules: Axios, Reuters, NY Post

Task Force Visits Rally Shooting Site: The Hill, Fox News, Politico, WaPo

Ukraine’s Energy Infrastructure Attacked: Reuters, WSJ, BBC, AP

Deadly Alaska Landslide: CBS News, AP, USA Today, Fox Weather

Another U.S. Heatwave: NWS, WaPo, AP, NY Times, Red Cross

Telegram Founder’s Arrest Explained: NPR, NY Post, NY Times, WaPo, Reuters

Wrestling Legend Dies: WWE, Deadline, Fox News, NBC News, NY Post

MLB Catcher Plays for Competing Teams: MLB, CBS Sports, AP, The Athletic, NPR

Largest Gift to National Parks: NPF, The Hill, AP, NPR, Newsweek

Trivia Tuesday: What sport helped launch the 24-hour convenience store?

Last Week’s Q: What country produces the most mangoes? 
Last Week’s A: India
Read More: World Atlas, A-Z Animals, World Population Review, Statista