Saturday, October 12, 2024
Special Edition: Loneliness Epidemic - Why the Disconnect in a Connected World?
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We live in a society that’s more connected than ever because of technology, and yet, the U.S. Surgeon General recently called loneliness an epidemic.
So, what’s going on?
Psychologist, professor and NYT best-selling author Dr. Marisa G. Franco explains why there’s a loneliness epidemic and its impact. She also offers practical advice for anyone looking for new friends or deeper connections in a changing, sometimes chaotic world.
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Guest: Dr. Marisa G. Franco
Dr. Marisa G. Franco works as a professor at The University of Maryland and authored Platonic: How The Science of Attachment Can Help You Make – and Keep – Friends. She writes about friendship for Psychology Today and has been a featured connection expert for major publications like The New York Times, The Telegraph, and Vice.
Dr. Franco speaks on belonging at corporations, government agencies, non-profits, and universities across the country, including Harper Collins Publishers, Cisco, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and The Department of State.
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